[h6]Installation of Photovoltaic panels to generate electricity, on 13no solar park ground mounting systems.[/h6]
We just received planning approval for the areas first small Solar Farm. The project is part of an ongoing farm diversification project at Dunamallaght Road, Ballycastle.
Renewable energy technology and the current government grants can help drive down farm outlays as well as helping reaching European targets on emissions & renewable energy. View Planning Application.
[h6]"If we can design buildings we can design a website. "[/h6]
Its been a long time coming, but finally lavertyarchitecture.co.uk is online. I decided to design and build the site myself so I could update it quickly and regularly. How hard could it be, its just like a building. They are both made up of interlinked components which function together to provide a user experience? A tenuous link I know.
[h6]Code holds a website together, not mortar and fixings. [/h6]
Thankfully my friend Alex from www.pixelapes.com was on hand to guide and inform as well as fix thinks when I broke them.
Much head scratching ensued, but eventually it all fell into place. It was fun to learn something new and I enjoyed building the site in the evenings. Even pondering a career change until I realised how complicated web design is when you look under the hood of user friendly web design software.
I get great job satisfaction in my job by walking around buildings I designed. Seeing a family use and enjoy spaces you helped them realise is hard to top. I got a little bit of that feeling browsing through my completed website but I think I will stick with my day job.